Friday, May 30, 2014

A depressed moment.

 I am angry; Angry at my friends and my choices.
Sweeping the streets and cleaning windows.
I have an education, yet I dust and clean toilets daily.
A quitter or a half timer I live in the stars; Away from the world in a place that only exists in my mind.
I cannot progress; Ten years from now my dreams will be the same and I will still be here dusting tables.
LinkedIn informs me of others success; The green monster rears its ugly head and question of why not me? When is it my turn to grow?
Life has to move forward, yet it doesn't for me.
The world passes by while I sit in wait.
My world is a cd, tape a leitmotif; Repeat, repeat, repeat.
I know I can effect change but not so much in my career without a green card.
America you beautiful shinning beast; Luring me in and promising me the world but subsequently providing me with nothing.
A sweet dangling on a fisherman's line, little does he know it will never help him catch a fish.
I would love to provide; Provide for the world like my Father and Mother.
They lived and are living their lives happily knowing that they have accomplished something great.
Even my brother has steady prospects; Something to keep his belly warm when it is raining outside.
Was I born lazy? No fuck that! I'm not, but I'm to scared to face my dreams so I procrastinate.
I procrastinate with my dog, I procrastinate with my job and I procrastinate with my writing; My writing.
My writing that nobody will read because it doesn't quite make the cut.
I didn't go to Harvard or Yale or Princeton.
I float through my 20s until they become my 30s.
Drinking, stumbling, yelling, screaming, laughing and heart breaking little by little with every turn of the calendar.
The road less travelled. Go fuck yourself! 20-year-olds worry for their future probably preying they won’t turn into me.
When my looks fade I will only have this mind, that to will eventually rot away.
Sometimes I cannot be because of offense I will cause to others; So I will sit on my thoughts and let them waste.
Flush my only brilliance down the drain so others can smile.
I tried to direct my future by building a chair but even that I failed; Moisture under my lacquer creating a cloud that will never go away no matter how hard I scrub.
Have you ever breathed into a paper bag with sweet dust in it? The slowing of your heart till you hit a level of calm...
Carbon monoxide poisons us creating our mind to turn numb... That is a nice place to be.
I am not a depressant if that's what you are thinking. In fact I am the opposite, but even a Buddhists mind can turn to dark mush every now and then; A dark spread that you can swoop thickly over newly sliced bread.
I have guilt over thoughts that never come to fruition.
Maybe I just missed an opportunity and I was to scared to step up to.
The real world doesn't want me; They can’t see my brilliance.
Or maybe I never had the brilliance to begin with and the real world just has no space in it for me.
Hollywood behind blinded eyes.
Why don't we live for now? Always behind or forward.
Can I not breath for now? No I have to breathe for the future. I breathe for the past but never for the present; The present is lost in time.
What is your favourite letter or number?
I’m not quite sure.
Blue, red, yellow, green. Yes, no, perhaps, maybe.
I want to sit in the rain and eat a meal. How would that look? New York water getting into my veggie soup.
I want to celebrate something in my life. The next thing but I wait as the balloons deflate and float to the floor. Nothing is sadder than an empty balloon hovering above the ground.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Spring is coming...

Omi McCurdie Poem

Are there more memories to be made in my youth or do I have to live out old ones, like my favorite song on repeat? The only problem with this is even the best songs get old sometimes. Happy memories, ones of listening to Bob Dolan songs with some one you love when you’re a bit tipsy; that freedom of letting go completely and surrendering to a moment you know is not good for you. Will we feel that excitement again or will we blend into normality, like the majority of the population that is forced to march to the same beat? I fear my youth is over and me dancing wild and free never knowing what my future holds is about to leave me. I am a dangling tooth that has yet to be pulled. I sit there waiting, knowing my time is almost up but still too afraid to tie the knot and slam the door. I'm not sad - let me state that! I'm happy, but melancholia runs through my now open veins. The future is bright yet restricted; it's my turn to be the grown up, and part of me revels in it and part of me dies. I like to get dressed up and take myself out for an old fashioned while Red sits in tow. It makes me feel like the women I am. It makes me feel like I'm living again - a child in a grown up’s coat, still not aware of the fact that she has grown. I am a painting that I put on display but not for anyone in particular, only myself. There is something beautiful about a solo women drinking down her memories, feeling content with the place she is at. I am content in my own comfort - just Red, and me and a bottle of booze. Spring is coming, I can feel it; time is changing; yet I'm still going to be here drinking my wine.